Monday, March 12, 2012

Home work 4 - Color Scheme

Working on this project, I found selection and masking are most confusing areas and are the hardest to master because there are so many ways to accomplish the same thing. For a beginner, that creates so much confusion. It takes a lot of trial and error and practice to find out which tool is easier for which kinds of selection and masking.

Home Work 4 - Part 2b - Correcting with Curves

Lesson 6:
2. Correcting with Curves P. 205

Original Image

Corrected Image

Home Work 4 - Part 2a - Adjusting Brightness Levels

Lesson 6:
Adjusting Brightness Levels P. 195

Corrected Image
Original Image

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Home Work 3 - Duotone

Working on this project, I realized that I didn't take much scenic pictures. I need to start taking more scenic photos. I also found out that just using two colors can create really cool effect. I think this under water duotone effect has greater impact then full color.