Thursday, April 26, 2012

Homework 13.2 How To Create Eroded Metal Text

The student version of Photoshop doesn't have couple filters that the tutorial use so the outcome looks different then the tutorial. I also changed to a lighter background.

Homework 12.2 3D Repousse

Homework 12.1 Isoline

I like Photoshop's blending mode. It is the easiest way to create different effect.

Home Work 11 - A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

To create this effect, the quality of the photo is important. I found out it is better to enhance the photo and remove any background first otherwise it is hard to do the selection based on shadow and mid-tone. Also I have to saturated the face area, especially the eyes and noise with very dense text in order for the eyes and nose to show up.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Home Work 10 Surrealism

The Adobe Photoshop pen tool is really hard to master. The hardest part is knowing where to put the next anchor point. It took me many tries to realize that it doesn't have to be perfect when drawing with the pen tool. It is easier to use the 'path selection tool' to adjust it afterward.

Midterm Project Historical Collage

I found out the 'gradient tool' is a useful tool to create mask in this project, especially the gradient blending from black and transparency. It allows you to create different shapes of blending with multiple passes. I also found that adjusting opacity sometimes can create cool effect like the Great Wall background showing through the scroll.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Home work 4 - Color Scheme

Working on this project, I found selection and masking are most confusing areas and are the hardest to master because there are so many ways to accomplish the same thing. For a beginner, that creates so much confusion. It takes a lot of trial and error and practice to find out which tool is easier for which kinds of selection and masking.

Home Work 4 - Part 2b - Correcting with Curves

Lesson 6:
2. Correcting with Curves P. 205

Original Image

Corrected Image

Home Work 4 - Part 2a - Adjusting Brightness Levels

Lesson 6:
Adjusting Brightness Levels P. 195

Corrected Image
Original Image

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Home Work 3 - Duotone

Working on this project, I realized that I didn't take much scenic pictures. I need to start taking more scenic photos. I also found out that just using two colors can create really cool effect. I think this under water duotone effect has greater impact then full color.